
Dipl.-Ing. Habib Samadzadeh

Studied at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts, the Max Reinhardt Seminar as well as at Tehran University and Conservatoire and has obtained diplomas in architecture, voice training, Lied and Oratorio, stage direction and singing.

1976 he sang the role of the Angel in Leonard Bernstein's MASS at the Corinthia Music Festival, Austria.

1978 he sang in Antonio Vivaldi's "Juditha Triumphans" at the Wiener Festwochen.

In 1985 he founded WAMCO - West Austrian Musical Company.

Teacher for singing, guitar, rhetoric, arts and descriptive geometry.

Martina Peter

"Let your joy, your tears and your dancing be authentic, then you'll love."


Martina Peter was born in 1983 in Hohenems. At the age of 7 years she started to sing in a children's choir and discovered her passion for music. She took singing lessons with Habib Samadzadeh and appeared in the West Austrian Musical Company (WAMCO - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Jesus Christ Superstar, West Side tory, Hair, Les Misérables, Cabaret). At the age of 17 she achieved an excellent success at "Prima la Musica" in Innsbruck.


Through several years of working in the exhibition and event area she learned what is necessary in organization, public relations and communication. Her focus is on the organization of cultura events, seminars and workshops.


Martina spend half a year in Bristol where she got in touch with the people, their music, language and participated on a 3-month Burlesque workshop. She also attended seminars on Schuhmacher College in Devon / UK.


She now lives and works in Feldkirch (Vorarlberg).


Dipl.-Päd. Dagmar Hoch

Singing lessons with Habib Samadzadeh since 2001. She participated in musicals, operettas, concerts, etc. and has sung with several bands. Currently she is the singer of "Supreme".

Acting lessons with Habib Samadzadeh, Fidel Schurig and Roswitha Mätzler; trainer for stage presentation and personality development for youngsters.

Mag. Helia Samadzadeh

Singing lessons with Habib Samadzadeh since 1992. Prize winner at the "Jugend musiziert" and "Prima la Musica" music competitions both as a cellist and singer.

First solo concert (singing) at the age of 14. Participation in musicals e.g. as Cosette in "Les Misérables", the Narrator in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" and Maria in "West Side Story".

Master classes with Barbara Daniels and Lucile Evans.
Graduate in conference interpreting (German/English/French), Innsbruck University.

Mag. Firouzeh Navai

Graduated with distinction in Applied Music / German Flute at Tehran Conservatoire. Studied at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts and graduated with unanimous distinction. Attended classes with Prof. Robert Wolf the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts.

1978 -1980: first flutist at the Tehran Symphonic Orchestra.

Master classes with Prof. Wolfgang Schulz, Aurelie Nicolet and James Galway. Founder of "Camerata Musica". Graduate of the Salzburg University of Music / Mozarteum

Johannes Kaufmann

Born 1962 in Dornbirn - Vorarlberg (A)

Apprenticed for flat printers in offset - Schwarzach.

Studies at the master class for painting in Graz.

Since 1987 he works as freelance artist

Works as course and seminar leader at home and abroad since 1989.

Lecturer at the Academy Geras.

Member and speaker of "Circle of Art".

Art Award from the Jubilee Fund of the Sparkasse Dornbirn.

Numerous exhibitions at home and abroad.

Lives in Schwarzach (Vorarlberg) - works in Wolfurt (Vorarlberg).


Hans Russenberger

Ich und der Stein

Als ich zum ersten Mal Gelegenheit hatte, frei mit Stein zu arbeiten, hat mich das derart in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich keine Ruhe mehr fand. Ich wusste damals noch nicht um die Bedeutung dieser Begegnung, aber aus heutiger Sicht kann ich sagen, dass meine damalige Erregtheit völlig gerechtfertigt war. Die Formen, die ich fand, die Bilder, die ich schuf, waren für mich wie ein neues Alphabet. Sie ermöglichten mir Erkenntnisse in einer Klarheit, wie ich es bis dahin nicht für möglich gehalten hätte. Ich erhoffe mir für alle Menschen einen Weg, der es ihnen ermöglicht, zu tieferen Einsichten zu gelangen - für mich ist es die Arbeit am Stein.

Hans-Udo Kreuels

Hans-Udo Kreuels was born in Kavelaer, in the German Fedaral State of North Rhine / Westphalia. Artistically marked by his father, the writer Friedrich Wilhelm Kreuels, he decided as a child to become a pianist and conductor. At the age of nine, Hans-Udo Kreuels composed his first pieces.

It was not before the age of 21 that he could commit himself to an extensive musical training (he studied piano at the Musicacademy Detmond, Germany), with Franzpeter Goebels as his first teacher, who made him familiar with Mozart's London Sketchbook - an impetus that would make him devote himself to this matter of decades.

Besides he attended composition classes with Johannes Driessler and Gieselher Klebe. After his graduation in 1975, he continued his piano studies with Dieter Weber and Noel Flores at the Vienna University of Music. In 1981, Hans-Udo Kreuels graduated with another diploma in piano. Profound musicological studies at Vienna University (Walter Pass) as well as master classes with Stanislaw Neuhaus in Vienna and Wilhelm Kempff in Positano, eventually completed his musical training.

Kunstkreis C - Circle of Art 

Akademie der anderen Art

DI Habib Samadzadeh

Kidlaweg 10

A-6845 Hohenems

"Reif werden lassen ist der Weg der Natur und die wahre Lehrart."


Zitat: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi